Unraveling the DnD Dice Duel Riddle with Monte Carlo Simulation in R


Giorgio Luciano and ChatGPT 3.5


January 14, 2024

Embark on a journey into the realm of Dungeons & Dragons as we unravel a captivating fiddle riddle involving a dice duel. Using the power of the R programming language and the Monte Carlo simulation method, we’ll simulate the outcomes of duels between two players, each armed with a bag containing six distinct DnD dice. Prepare to explore the fascinating world of probability and randomness! See the riddle posted here by Fiddler on the Proof

At a table sit two individuals, each equipped with a bag housing six DnD dice: a d4, a d6, a d8, a d10, a d12, and a d20. The challenge is to randomly select one die from each bag and roll them simultaneously. For example, if a d4 and a d12 are chosen, both players roll their respective dice, hoping for fortuitous results. Monte Carlo Simulation in R:

To confront this enigma, we turn to the Monte Carlo method. The following R code snippet initiates a simulation of multiple dice duels, offering a glimpse into the complexities of DnD dice outcomes.

we can break down the analysis into different cases:

  1. Case 1: Both players take the same type of dice.

  2. Case 2: Both players take different types of dice (without repetition of the same combination).

We’ll generate plots for each case and then provide a summary of the results. Here’s the code:

# Function to simulate a single dice duel with both players taking the same type of dice
simulate_same_dice_duel <- function() {
  dice_type <- sample(c(4, 6, 8, 10, 12,20,40,64,80,120,128), 1)
  roll_player1 <- sample(1:dice_type, 1)
  roll_player2 <- sample(1:dice_type, 1)
  return(c(dice_type, roll_player1, dice_type, roll_player2))

# Function to simulate a single dice duel with both players taking different types of dice
simulate_different_dice_duel <- function() {
  dice_types <- sample(c(4, 6, 8, 10, 12,20,40,64,80,120,128), 2, replace = FALSE)
  roll_player1 <- sample(1:dice_types[1], 1)
  roll_player2 <- sample(1:dice_types[2], 1)
  return(c(dice_types[1], roll_player1, dice_types[2], roll_player2))

# Monte Carlo simulation for both cases
num_trials <- 10000

# Case 1: Both players take the same type of dice
same_dice_simulation_results <- replicate(num_trials, simulate_same_dice_duel())
same_dice_data <- data.frame(Player = rep(c("Player 1", "Player 2"), each = ncol(same_dice_simulation_results)),
                             Dice_Type = rep(same_dice_simulation_results[1, ], 2),
                             Roll_Value = as.integer(c(same_dice_simulation_results[2, ], same_dice_simulation_results[4, ])))

# Visualize the results for Case 1 using ggplot2
ggplot(same_dice_data, aes(x = factor(Dice_Type), y = Roll_Value, fill = Player)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  labs(title = paste("Case 1: Both Players Take the Same Dice (", num_trials, "trials)"),
       x = "Dice Type",
       y = "Roll Value",
       fill = "Player") +

# Case 2: Both players take different types of dice
different_dice_simulation_results <- replicate(num_trials, simulate_different_dice_duel())
different_dice_data <- data.frame(Player = rep(c("Player 1", "Player 2"), each = ncol(different_dice_simulation_results)),
                                  Dice_Type_Player1 = rep(different_dice_simulation_results[1, ], 2),
                                  Roll_Value_Player1 = as.integer(c(different_dice_simulation_results[2, ])),
                                  Dice_Type_Player2 = rep(different_dice_simulation_results[3, ], 2),
                                  Roll_Value_Player2 = as.integer(c(different_dice_simulation_results[4, ])))

# Visualize the results for Case 2 - Player 1 (Dice 4 vs. Dice 20)
ggplot(subset(different_dice_data, Dice_Type_Player1 %in% c(4, 20)), aes(x = factor(Dice_Type_Player2), y = Roll_Value_Player1)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  labs(title = paste("Case 2 - Player 1: Dice 4 vs. Dice 20 (", num_trials, "trials)"),
       x = "Dice Type Player 2",
       y = "Roll Value Player 1") +

# Visualize the results for Case 2 - Player 2 (Dice 4 vs. Dice 20)
ggplot(subset(different_dice_data, Dice_Type_Player2 %in% c(4, 20)), aes(x = factor(Dice_Type_Player1), y = Roll_Value_Player2)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  labs(title = paste("Case 2 - Player 2: Dice 4 vs. Dice 20 (", num_trials, "trials)"),
       x = "Dice Type Player 1",
       y = "Roll Value Player 2") +

# Visualize the results for Case 2 - Player 1 (Dice 4 vs. Dice 12)
ggplot(subset(different_dice_data, Dice_Type_Player1 %in% c(4, 12)), aes(x = factor(Dice_Type_Player2), y = Roll_Value_Player1)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  labs(title = paste("Case 2 - Player 1: Dice 4 vs. Dice 12 (", num_trials, "trials)"),
       x = "Dice Type Player 2",
       y = "Roll Value Player 1") +

# Visualize the results for Case 2 - Player 2 (Dice 4 vs. Dice 12)
ggplot(subset(different_dice_data, Dice_Type_Player2 %in% c(4, 12)), aes(x = factor(Dice_Type_Player1), y = Roll_Value_Player2)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  labs(title = paste("Case 2 - Player 2: Dice 4 vs. Dice 12 (", num_trials, "trials)"),
       x = "Dice Type Player 1",
       y = "Roll Value Player 2") +

# Visualize the results for Case 2 - Player 2 (Dice 4 vs. Dice 128)
ggplot(subset(different_dice_data, Dice_Type_Player2 %in% c(4, 128)), aes(x = factor(Dice_Type_Player1), y = Roll_Value_Player2)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  labs(title = paste("Case 2 - Player 2: Dice 4 vs. Dice 128 (", num_trials, "trials)"),
       x = "Dice Type Player 1",
       y = "Roll Value Player 2") +

# Summarize the results for Case 1 (Same Dice)
summary_case1 <- table(same_dice_data$Roll_Value)

# Summarize the results for Case 2 (Different Dice)
summary_case2 <- table(different_dice_data$Roll_Value_Player1 == different_dice_data$Roll_Value_Player2)

# Display summaries
cat("\nSummary of Case 1 - Same Dice:\n")

Summary of Case 1 - Same Dice:

   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16 
1578 1571 1574 1491 1059 1072  766  766  586  558  407  332  197  210  208  226 
  17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32 
 217  205  211  222  139  130  116  118  147  130  136  135  121  118  135  128 
  33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48 
 133  133  132  154  113  148  114  129   62   71   62   79   78   73   83   68 
  49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64 
  95   76   68   77   78   68   86   92   71   79   85   82   69   72   83   72 
  65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80 
  57   49   46   51   62   54   44   50   62   49   41   54   48   58   63   64 
  81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96 
  23   33   27   27   23   39   33   31   30   19   22   33   26   26   24   27 
  97   98   99  100  101  102  103  104  105  106  107  108  109  110  111  112 
  30   41   24   30   39   24   33   34   28   29   31   30   32   30   27   31 
 113  114  115  116  117  118  119  120  121  122  123  124  125  126  127  128 
  29   26   30   24   25   33   23   23    9    7   18   15   10   16   17   13 
cat("\nSummary of Case 2 - Different Dice:\n")

Summary of Case 2 - Different Dice:

19348   652 

Through the marriage of R programming and Monte Carlo simulation, we’ve successfully deciphered the intricacies of the DnD dice duel riddle. Whether you’re a seasoned tabletop gamer or a data science enthusiast, this approach serves as a versatile tool for exploring and comprehending complex scenarios governed by chance. As you embark on your own coding adventures, may the rolls be ever in your favor! Happy coding!