Namespaces in shiny: Why you need them


Giorgio Luciano and ChatGPT


September 16, 2023

library(viridis)  # Import the viridis color palette library

set.seed(123)  # Set a seed for reproducibility
num_flips <- 50000
flips <- sample(c("Heads", "Tails"), num_flips, replace = TRUE)

# Image aspect ratio
aspect_ratio <- 1  # You can customize the aspect ratio here
n_col <- round(sqrt(num_flips) * aspect_ratio)
n_row <- ceiling(num_flips / n_col)

# Create a color matrix to represent coin flips
colors <- ifelse(flips == "Heads", "red", "blue")

# Create matrices for Heads and Tails
heads_matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = n_row, ncol = n_col)
tails_matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = n_row, ncol = n_col)

for (i in 1:num_flips) {
  if (flips[i] == "Heads") {
    heads_matrix[(i - 1) %/% n_col + 1, (i - 1) %% n_col + 1] <- 1
  } else {
    tails_matrix[(i - 1) %/% n_col + 1, (i - 1) %% n_col + 1] <- 1

# Function to calculate the number of consecutive sequences
calculate_sequences <- function(matrix) {
  sequences <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(matrix), ncol = ncol(matrix))
  for (i in 1:nrow(matrix)) {
    count <- 0
    for (j in 1:ncol(matrix)) {
      if (matrix[i, j] == 1) {
        count <- count + 1
        sequences[i, j] <- count
      } else {
        count <- 0

# Calculate sequences for Heads and Tails matrices
sequences_heads <- calculate_sequences(heads_matrix)
sequences_tails <- calculate_sequences(tails_matrix)

# Find the longest sequence for Heads and Tails
longest_sequence_heads <- max(sequences_heads)
longest_sequence_tails <- max(sequences_tails)

# Create images with sequences and titles
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))  # Display the two images side by side
image(t(sequences_heads), col = viridis(100), main = paste("Heads Sequences (Max:", longest_sequence_heads, ")"), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
image(t(sequences_tails), col = inferno(100), main = paste("Tails Sequences (Max:", longest_sequence_tails, ")"), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")


# Calculate sequences for Heads and Tails matrices
sequences_heads <- calculate_sequences(heads_matrix)
sequences_tails <- calculate_sequences(tails_matrix)

# Calculate sequence lengths for Heads and Tails
sequence_lengths_heads <- table(sequences_heads)
sequence_lengths_tails <- table(sequences_tails)

# Calculate the percentage of sequence lengths
percentages_heads <- prop.table(sequence_lengths_heads) * 100
percentages_tails <- prop.table(sequence_lengths_tails) * 100

# Create data frames with lengths, absolute numbers, and percentages
dataframe_heads <- data.frame(
  Length = names(sequence_lengths_heads),
  Absolute_Numbers = as.numeric(sequence_lengths_heads),
  Percentage = percentages_heads
dataframe_tails <- data.frame(
  Length = names(sequence_lengths_tails),
  Absolute_Numbers = as.numeric(sequence_lengths_tails),
  Percentage = percentages_tails

# Create formatted tables
kable(dataframe_heads, caption = "Table of Heads Sequence Lengths")
kable(dataframe_tails, caption = "Table of Tails Sequence Lengths")

In this example, both module_1 and module_2 share the same IDs for input elements (text_input and action_button). If we interact with one module, it will affect the other module as well, leading to unexpected behavior.