

Download the latest bundled release from the releases page. Don’t download the GitHub repo itself, as this won’t install inside of Blender.


When downloading on MacOS with Safari, it automatically unzips the file into a MolecularNodes folder. This is extremely unhelpful as Blender requires the .zip file to install the addon. Either download with a different browser, or compress the folder again to

Installing the Addon

Windows Administrator

If you are on Windows, you may need to run Blender as Administrator to successfully complete the following installation. If you are using Blender Launcher ( , just launch you favorite version of Blender and that’s it

Open Preferences Panel

  1. Click `Edit’ -> ‘Preferences’ or press Cmd + , on Mac.
  2. Click ‘Install’ while in ‘Add-ons’
  3. Select Crystal (the downloaded file stored in your pc/mac)

For further details on Add-ons you can consult the blender manual here